Clint’s Hot Texas Salsa – Great Low Sodium Hot Salsa

Clint’s Hot Texas Salsa – Great Low Sodium Hot Salsa

If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know I love to bring the heat to recipes. I also love it when I can find great tasting low sodium products that can bring the heat as well. Peppers and more spicy herbs and ingredients are a really good way to replace flavor without salt. So I am thrilled to have found Clint’s Hot Texas Salsa, a great low sodium hot salsa.

Clint's Hot Texas Salsa - Great Low Sodium Hot Salsa

Capsaicin Enhances Flavors

Capsaicin (according to Wikipedia) is actually an irritant. When it comes into contact with your tongue and tastebuds it actually will make them hypersensitive to what comes next. Then the rest of the flavors are experienced to a greater degree. It enhances the flavors like salt does, without the sodium. Capsaicin also causes brief pain (depending on the strength or amount) which triggers endorphins that make us feel good. Which may explain why some people are addicted to really hot and spicy foods.

I love hot salsas and hot sauce. I may be addicted! I’ve built a list of the best low sodium hot sauces here. I may have to compile a whole list of the best low sodium salsas that I find since there are many that I have tried and will share with you.

Low Sodium Salsa Adds Flavor To Any Meal

Salsa is great as a sauce, side, or dip. I love to make it fresh at home when I have time and ingredients. It is versatile because you can change the flavor profiles using different ingredients:

You can add fruit to make a sweet heat:

Pineapple Salsa

Cranberry Salsa

Kiwi Pineapple Salsa

A milder Salsa with Green Tomatoes:

Tomatillo Salsa

A basic fresh salsa:

Fresh Salsa 

Clint's Hot Texas Salsa - Great Low Sodium Hot Salsa


A Review Of Clint’s Hot Texas Salsa – Great Low Sodium Hot Salsa

This is a red salsa made from red tomatoes. It is 120 mg for 2 tbsp. This salsa is hot, but not punch you in the mouth hot. It builds up the burn after you eat it. The cilantro and garlic come through, so it is very flavorful. I had it on my eggs and it was perfect. It’s gluten free for all of my gluten free friends. The salsa is well chopped (like a compote) without being runny or too liquid, so it scoops up nicely on your salt free tortilla chips. You can find this salsa in several local grocery chains or online as well. Have you found this or tried it? Let me know what your favorite hot salsa is in the comments below!

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